Saturday, January 18, 2014

My dating history

So you will find as you read this blog, a lot of what goes through my head is my relationship with women. I have always been one of those folks who would love to have a nice settled life with a nice woman, but to only have it not happen. I have the worst luck, in fact when it comes to women. I am constantly put #2 in women's lives. For a short time last year, I was #1 to a girl, but since then, I am back to square one.

I have never been much for being aggressive. In fact, you could say, I am the opposite. You know those guys that walk up to women at a bar and talk with them and eventually get their number or end up bedding them? Yeah, not me. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues talking to women. I can be very friendly. My ex said I was "very sociable" and would have no problem finding someone. Yeah, easier said than done.
As the old saying goes, I can never "close the deal", go from beyond friendly banter to even getting a text number.

My first crush happened in 4th grade to Robin Williams. No, not the actor. The pretty girl who sat next to me in my class, who I gave my cupcake to every day. I don't know why, but I really liked her a lot.
(I still do, but not in that fashion.)

In Middle School I went to a dance with a girl, whom I spent almost the entire next year trying to kiss. (And when she was ready, I was so miffed about her taking so long, I just walked out! I wonder what would've happened?)

In High School, I didn't date a whole lot. I had crushes (including a huge one on Stephanie), but never dated.
I didn't go to any dances, but not for lack of trying. Every girl I asked out, said no. No one was ever not polite about it, though.

In College, I really didn't get to know any women there, except for one, who ended up dating a guy at the radio station I was doing work at. 

After college, was when I really started dating. In fact I had my first true love. Melissa. From New Jersey. And despite living in Westfield, we talked on the phone daily to the point we were in love. We met up in Orange Connecticut for a few times. She was my 'first'. First Kiss, first girl I was ever intimate with. All in one. At the age of 21. Things were going pretty good until she went back to college, and started talking about this guy. Thats when things changed, and without telling the whole story, it was pretty much, she was seeing him and I was an afterthought. She dumped me but then a few weeks later offered to be friends if I was so inclined. Which I declined. My first time having a broken hear too. Thank god for my friend Sean at Syracuse, who I was able to go visit (I drove from Westfield to Syracuse at 1 am), get my mind off of her. Because of that heartache, I decided I wasn't ready for a relationship, and was going to have some fun.

For the next 10 years, that's exactly what I did. I had fun. Typical single guy fun. I dated here and there. One of the women I dated threatened to kill me. I was able to end it with her by outsmarting her. I dated one who went to Mount Holyoke college. Probably one of the funnest I ever dated. Outside of the parties and sex, she was also fun to talk to and hang out with. I had a few one night stands and a few flings too. My next girlfriend came around 2001, when I met this girl Chrissy from a dating website. We went hot and heavy for about four months until it cooled off and we ended it. I dated another girl the following year (Carly?) for a very short time, but that would be the end of it. Outside of a couple quick one night things, my dating life really cooled off. In 2005, I had had my last date, until 2008. One of the longest single spells in my history (one I hope to never repeat). Then went through these spells of 1-2 years between women until last year when K came along. That's another blog for another time.

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